Why Join ITF England?
We have two Grandmasters and dozens of Masters, with a vast technical knowledge of Taekwon do. Together with astute business acumen, we can help your school or association reach its potential.
Membership of ITF England
Access to ITF courses
Access to ITF certification
Access to ITF England courses
Access to ITF England competitions
Access to ITF England squad training
Access to selection for ITF England international squad selection
Access to policies and procedures to help organisations manage the
teaching of taekwondo -
Advice and arbitration
Implementation of disciplinary procedures.
Technical advice
Access to the ITF England Masters committee
Administration and management of ITF procedures and policies
Communication with AETF
Communication with ITF
Lobbying with ITF over ITF England issues
Representation at ITF congress
Umpire development
Umpire representation at ITF And AETF events
Safeguarding advice