ITF England Grandmasters & Masters
Get to know our ITF England Grandmasters and Masters. Here is the current list of our highest graded individuals in ITF England and the affiliate they belong to, this is where you can contact any of our 7th-9th Degrees if you wish to enquire about senior examinations for your organisation. Also some of our Grandmasters and Masters have provided us with the last thesis they have written for their latest degree. This resource can be full of knowledge and experience that can be digested and learnt from.

Grandmaster Orello Ellis
Degree number: GB-9-2 Association: ETA
Area of teaching: Oxford
Email address: o.ellis@btinternet.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Grandmaster Donato Nardizzi
Degree number: GB-9-3 Association: TKD Impact
Area of teaching: Croydon
Email address: donatonardizzi@gmail.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Grandmaster Tom Denis
Degree number: ENG-9-4
Association: ETA
Area of teaching: London
Email address: tomtkd@gmx.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Ray Gayle
Degree number: GB-8-6 Association: PUMA
Area of teaching: Swindon
Email address: raygayle@me.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Kim Anderson
Degree number: GB-8-11 Association: TKD Impact
Area of teaching: Colney Heath (Between Hatfield & St Albans) Hertfordshire
Email address: Kim.andersontkd@outlook.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Russell Dennis
Degree number: GB-8-12 Association: TKD Impact
Area of teaching: Cheam, Dorking, Redhill
Email address: rdkickers@aol.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Ken Chesterman
Degree number: ENG-8-13 Association: AETA
Area of teaching: Leicestershire
Email address: ken.chesterman@yahoo.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Martin Hewlett
Degree number: ENG-8-14 Association: AETA
Area of teaching: Barnstaple, North Devon
Email address: marthewlett@gmail.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Anthony McKenna
Degree number: ENG-8-15 Association: TAE
Area of teaching: Newcastle upon Tyne
Email address: info@newcastleblackbeltacademy.co.uk
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Nick Symonds
Degree number: ENG-8-16 Association: Total TKD
Area of teaching: London & Hertfordshire
Email address: nick@totaltkd.org
Thesis Link:
Download Now

Master Errol Bernard
Degree number: ENG-8-17 Association: ETA
Area of teaching: Sollihul, Birmingham
Email address: errolbernard@aol.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Philip Lear
Degree number: ENG-8-18 Association: AETA
Area of teaching: Crowborough, East Sussex
Email address: vision.tkd@sky.com
Thesis Link:
Download Now

Master Yogi Chand
Degree number: ENG-8-19 Association: CITKD
Area of teaching: Milton Keynes
Email address: citkd@hotmail.co.uk
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Janitzio Moreno
Degree number: ENG-8-21 Association: Pantera
Area of teaching: Hornsey, Crouch End, Friern Barnet
Email address: info@panteratkd.com
Thesis Link:
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Master Lisa Pitman
Degree number: ENG-8-20 Association: Virtue TKD
Area of teaching: Beckenham
Email address: lisa@virtuetaekwondo.co.uk
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master John Archer
Degree number: GB-7-33 Association: T-UK
Area of teaching: Stratford upon Avon
Email address: archertkd@gmail.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Ian Ridley
Degree number: GB-7-34 Association: T-UK
Area of teaching: Leeds
Email address: iain.ridley@sky.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Paul Palcic
Degree number: GB-7-37 Association: Harrow, London
Area of teaching: Palcic TKD
Email address: paulpalcic@hotmail.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Paul Cook
Degree number: GB-7-35 Association: TAE
Area of teaching: Gateshead
Email address: mastercooktkd@gmail.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Johann de Silva
Degree number: ENG-7-40 Association: Warrior
Area of teaching: Wembley
Email address: office@desilvatkd.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master James Miley
Degree number: ENG-7-41 Association: T-UK
Area of teaching: Greater Manchester
Email address: tridentTKD@aol.com
Thesis Link:
Download Now

Master Brett Stronach
Degree number: ENG-7-42 Association: TAE
Area of teaching: Newcastle upon Tyne
Email address: info@reflextkd.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Daniel Lammin
Degree number: ENG-7-43 Association: PUMA
Area of teaching: Bournemouth
Email address: daniellammintkd@gmail.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Carlo Martinelli
Degree number: ENG-7-44 Association: ETA
Area of teaching: Wembley Park
Email address: carlomartinelli80@gmail.com
Thesis Link:
Download Now

Master Tim Dunn
Degree number: ENG-7-45 Association: AETA
Area of teaching: Tonbridge, Kent
Email address: info@synergy-martialarts.co.uk
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Andy Crisp
Degree number: ENG-7-46 Association: T-UK
Area of teaching: Cambridge
Email address: andycrisp75@gmail.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Luke Thompson
Degree number: ENG-7-47 Association: Tunbridge Wells Taekwon-Do
Area of teaching: Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Email address: twellstkd@gmail.com
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Tom Nicholson
Degree number: ENG-7-48 Association: Proaction Martial Arts
Area of teaching: Northampton & East Midlands
Email address: tom@martialartslessons.co.uk
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon
Master Darrin Bonfield
Degree number: ENG-7-50 Association: Northants TKD
Area of teaching: Northampton
Email address: darrin@northantstkd.co.uk
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Piotr Capaja
Degree number: ENG-7-51 Association: ETA
Area of teaching: London
Email address:
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master David Charlton
Degree number: ENG-7-52 Association: ETA
Area of teaching:
Email address:
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Vaughan Buxton
Degree number: ENG-7-53 Association: Southwest Taekwon-Do
Area of teaching: Southwest England
Email address:
Thesis Link:
Coming Soon

Master Grant Churchward
Degree number: ENG-7-54 Association: Torbay Taekwon-Do
Area of teaching: Torbay
Email address: